2024 Recharge: Fall Youth Retreat
October 25-26, 2024 | Grades 3-6

recharge (v): the process of reloading or refueling a power source with its proper fuel; i.e.: your fuel tank, your batteries, your mind, and your heart.

A Recharge is ... a super fun, overnight stay at Good Earth Village in the fall for campers in grades 3-6. We will pack in as much camp programming as possible! There will be worship, wonderful friends, great food, games, activities, and RECHARGING our summer theme of Transformed Community.

Learn about our tier pricing structure to choose what amount is right for your family.

Additional campership available if needed.

Tier 1: $95
Tier 2: $70
Tier 3: $50

Campers from the same household save 25% with code RECHARGE24!

Non-Refundable Deposit:
$25 due at registration

Youth are welcome to sign up as individuals or Church Leaders may decide to bring a group. Pastors, and youth leaders are invited to attend as chaperones with their youth. We ask that Church Leaders provide one chaperone for every 8 campers in their group and a suggested donation of $30 per adult attending.

Questions? Call the office at 507-346-2494 or email
Vanessa - Business Mgr. at vanessa@goodearthvillage.org 
Nate - Program Director at nate@goodearthvillage.org