Saturday, June 29, 2024
Women’s Day at Good Earth Village
“Tuning In”

9:00AM-3:30PM | $40 per person
Pre-registration is requested.

Have you ever had to tune the dial on your radio to find a station? Sometimes, the dial needs to be finessed to capture a station that comes in clearly. Other times, it’s easy to find a station but hard to find the kind of music or talk we are looking for ~ there are so many stations vying for our attention.  

Our lives these days have so many “stations” to listen to. We listen to politics, religion, peer opinion, family traditions, trends, and even google! Sometimes the information we glean is helpful and healthy, but other times it heightens our anxiety or detrimentally misinforms us. 

The one station we can lean into and trust is found when we tune into the Divine.  

When we are ‘tuned in’ to God, we experience a satisfaction that comforts our soul. Our anxiety decreases, our hearts are warmed, and even our bodies are given a chance to rest and relax . It’s a relief that is experienced in our whole selves, mind, body and spirit. But how do we get ‘tuned in’?

Join us at Good Earth Village on June 29th for Women’s Day: Tuning In. Come together with Pastor Marla Rotman as we discover and practice embodied ways to connect with the Creator through scripture, stories, walks, art, and more. Explore ways to connect with the One who longs to connect with you, sees you with deep love, and will never lead you astray. Let’s get together and “Tune in” with God.

Schedule for the Day:
9:00AM Check-in and coffee in Log Lodge
9:30 Welcome and devotion
9:45 Keynote Session lead by Pastor Marla Rotman
12:00PM Lunch in Barr Lodge
1:15 Breakout 1 Begins
2:00 Breakout 2 Begins
2:45 Closing worship at Log Lodge
3:30 Go in Peace to Love and Serve the Lord!

Pre-registration is requested, with limited walk-ins available.  Check-in starts at 9:00AM and the cost is $40 per person. Handicap parking is available at all buildings. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns at (507) 346-2494 or at  

Participants will have options for workshops following lunch, including a walking experience. Please dress comfortably for walking outside.

We will do our best to keep all rooms at a comfortable temperature, but please wear layers to maximize your comfort. 

Meet Pastor Marla Rotman

As a pastor and spiritual director, Marla Rotman is called to the intersection of contemplation and action. Combining practices of spiritual connectedness and seeking paths of justice and healing in our communities, Marla spends her time leading others to deepen (contemplation) and express (action) their faith. She is a big picture thinker and curious learner who incorporates innovation and imagination to help people grow in faith and life.  


Pictures from Women’s Day 2021